Released for every current platform Bakugan Battle Brawlers made my 11 year old squeee with supposed glee, but how did it play? I still struggle to remember the rules for Magic: The Gathering, much less the laundry list of what-if's for a card game based on a cartoon, or is it the other way around? Either way, card game, cartoon - now video game. Frankly, they are too damn confusing for an old guy like me. While I consider myself a geek, I never got into any of the Japanese imports. My 11 year old was too hyper to explain properly when I gave him the game to try out, so I'm not sure what is going on.įrom what I hear though, that's perfectly normal. At least, I think that's what is going on. The toys are a bit deeper than just cards though, with battle arenas and small figures with magnets in them.
Similar to Pokemon, Digimon and any of the numerous other ones you can think of, it's a card game based on some mystical premise with giant creatures that morph from Bakugan balls to engage in battle. One of the most popular toy lines right now is the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, another in a long line of Japanese imports. The only time that happens is in the short months before major gift buying begins. The Holiday season must be upon us because I'm getting review copies of games based on very popular toys.